ABRF Poster Awards

ABRF Poster Awards
sponsored by Waters Corporation

Waters Corporation is generously sponsoring the Outstanding Scientific Poster Awards for the ABRF 2015 Annual Meeting. A certificate of accomplishment, as well as, a $500 travel award will be awarded to the four best scientific posters presented at the conference.

The ABRF Education Committee will review all poster abstracts submitted to the meeting and select a limited number of candidates for award consideration.  Lead authors of the candidate posters will be invited to submit a PDF of their posters by Friday, March 13th, 2015 and prepare a short (5 minute) presentation of their poster to give to the Education Committee on Sunday, March 29th, during Poster Session I at the conference.

Posters and oral presentation will be judged primarily based upon clarity, originality, and contribution to the scientific community.  The authors of the four posters judged to be the best will be required to give a 10 min oral presentation at the ABRF Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, March 31st.

To enter the Waters Outstanding Poster Award competition, please check the “Poster Award” check box when submitting your abstract. The abstract must be submitted using the on-line abstract submission form before the abstract submission deadline of Tuesday, January 27, 2015.

Janet Murray (left), Chairperson of the ABRF Education Committee, and Roy Martin of Waters Corporation (third from left) present the 2013 poster awardees: Kanhav Khanna, Katia Sol-Church, Martha Stapels, & Anthony Yeung .

Platinum Sponsors of the ABRF