(SW6) How to Write and Review Scientific Papers

Notice of Cancellation:  Please note this SW has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict with the presenter. All current registrants will be contacted and offered the option to register for another SW or receive a full refund.


Tuesday, April 24

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Publishing scholarly articles is one of the primary methods that scholars can demonstrate their academic talent.  Tenure-track faculty are driven to publish frequently, and this “publish or perish” mentality often spills over non-faculty scientific staff.  Successful publication(s) can bring attention to the author(s) and the sponsoring institution, which can directly translate into progress with one’s career.   Despite the importance, scientific writing is not typically included in the formal education of researchers, particularly those who persue non-tenure track academic positions, and thus many core scientists are often afraid to write their first scientific manuscript.   

The objective of this course is to de-mystify scientific writing and publication and to teach participants how to write an effective paper.  This course is particularly aimed at scientific researchers/staff that feel publishing scientific manuscripts would benefit their careers.   Items to be covered will be: the general organization of a manuscript, the scientific writing style/format, etc.  And because evaluating other manuscripts is often an effective means to learn how to write effectively, the ability to review and critique scientific manuscripts under consideration for publication will also be covered.


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